Social Network Auto-Posting and Scheduling Plugin Proxy Support

A proxy server acts as a gateway between you and the internet.

When using a proxy server, the query goes to the address you requested through the proxy server. Then the data you requested comes back through the same proxy server, and then the proxy server forwards the data to you.

There are many reasons that we might need to use a proxy for Social Networks. For example:

We might have hundreds of accounts, pages, and groups. Naturally, all requests will go from the same source, and we would like to hide them.

We would like to hide our IP addresses;

It sometimes happens to some people that Social Networks block their servers' IP addresses;

As you know, in some countries like China, it is not possible to access Facebook, Instagram, and so on.

Because of company rules;

Luckily, the plugin allows you to add a proxy to the plugin so that you can enjoy using the most popular Social Networks.

It is the format: https://user:[email protected]:8888 Replace them with your given username, password, IP address, and port number, and add your account using the proxy.


More features

22 social networks and services are integrated
Built-in feature

22 social networks and services are integrated

You will be able to publish your posts to 20 social networks and services at the same time.

Auto-post New Blog Posts
Built-in feature

Auto-post New Blog Posts

The plugin will share your WordPress posts on your social network accounts automatically.

Schedule posts
Built-in feature

Schedule posts

You will be able to create Schedules which allow you to share your blog posts within the determined interval and selected filters.

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