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How to share media from WordPress to social networks automatically?

- You can share or schedule images or videos from the WordPress media menu by clicking the Schedule button;

- You can also bulk share media using the FS Poster bulk schedule option. Select the media you want to share and click the Apply button for the Bulk Schedule [FS Poster] option;

- You can also use the Planner to share media;

- Another method to share media to social networks directly is the Calendar menu;

- An image has a Title, Alt text, Caption, and Description. You can share those filed data using the relevant ready keywords;

- The Alternative text for the image can be shared with the Custom filed keyword and you need to add the _wp_attachment_image_alt custom filed name to the keyword. Click the Custom field keyword to add the filed name;

- A video has a Title, Caption, and Description. You can share those filed data using the relevant ready keywords;

- For sharing videos on Instagram, you should install the "FFmpeg" extension on your server. If it is not installed, please contact your hosting provider.