Getting Started
Your server must match the following requirements to install and use the FS Poster plugin.
PHP version | The minimum required PHP version for this plugin is 7.4.33 |
MySQL version | The minimum required MySQL version for this plugin is 5.5.3 |
MySQL user permission | CREATE TABLE permission required |
cURL | PHP cURL extension must be installed and enabled |
EXIF | Displaying photo details, sorting images |
cron jobs | To auto-post at accurate times |
gd, gd2 | Image processing libraries used by PHP to create, manipulate, and handle image files |
mbstring | PHP extension used to handle multi-byte character encodings, such as UTF-8 |
ffmpeg/ffprobe | They are used to render a video to share on Instagram |
libx264, proc_open, shell_exec, exec | These functions are required to execute the FFmpeg library when rendering videos |
mb_strcut | Cutting UTF-8 strings safely by bytes |
mb_substr | Truncating multi-language text |
tempnam | Temporary uploads, processing |
sys_get_temp_dir | Storing temporary files |
finfo_open | Verifying file types during uploads |
mime_content_type | Checking uploaded file types |
imagecreatefromwebp | Handling or converting WebP images |